Road Trip: Philly Edition

I live for a good road trip--being on the open road, seeing the changing backdrops as you drive through varying terrains, listening to music, playing car games, and then immersing myself with the locals of my final destination. As an unlicensed driver, I can't legally drive anywhere without at least one other person, which means... Continue Reading →

For the Technology Obsessed, Less is More

Although my slight addiction to technology might suggest otherwise, there were only ever two gadgets I really wanted in my life: my own typewriter and unlimited access to a card catalog. Not too much to ask for, right? Pre-computers, I always envied my brother and his typewriter. He didn’t have to use the family typewriter... Continue Reading →

Get to The Next Tree

Life is crazy. We all know this. I know I’m not the only person in the world who’s spread too thin, working two jobs to make ends meet, not striking the perfect work-life balance, lamenting that time passes too quickly. I haven’t even written a blog post since April! (Though, in my defense, I’m convinced... Continue Reading →

Food Obsessions

While reading about culinary quests in yesterday’s New York Times Magazine issue on food, I started thinking about my own personal food obsessions. As a food lover and cook, there are many dishes, condiments, and meals that I continually obsess over. I am known to frequent restaurants that are way out of my way just... Continue Reading →

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