Letting Loose

Did you know that it’s National Stress Awareness Month? Sometimes I feel like every month is National Stress Awareness Month as I am totally aware of the stress I’ve been feeling lately. Nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual stressors like paying taxes, thinking about what steps to take in my career, lack of... Continue Reading →

Vacation Made Me Realize What I Want in Life, More Vacation

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - Henry David Thoreau Last week, I returned from a two-week... Continue Reading →

Take Off Your Headphones

While going to the laundromat isn’t necessarily my most favorite pastime, I do welcome the allotted amount of freedom that doing laundry provides. This free time allows me to read to the paper, work on the Times crossword puzzle, listen to music, and tweet. Today, I found myself in the chairs of the neighborhood laundromat... Continue Reading →

Write Me When You Get To Liverpool

At the end of a visit with my grandma, just before we’d go our separate ways, she’d shower me with affection and leave me with a few words of wisdom. One of her favorite things to say before parting was “Skriv till mig när du kommer till Liverpool.” This phrase was Swedish for “Write me... Continue Reading →

Wisconsin Ain’t No Flyover State

"Wisconsin. That's in Michigan, right?" Once, on my family's annual family vacation to New Hampshire, a kid asked me where I was from. I of course responded with, Wisconsin. Without skipping a beat, he responded, that's in Michigan, right? I never forgot the disgust I felt that someone my age (11) had no idea where... Continue Reading →

Remember the People That Taught You How to Read

Our teachers. Remember when we actually appreciated the work of our teachers? I don't even know how to begin to respond to this whole collective bargaining issue here in Wisconsin and around the country, the massive teacher lay-offs that happen every year, the constant budget cuts for already cash-strapped school districts, and the "well teachers... Continue Reading →

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