Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Today marks my three-year blogiversary. Quite a milestone, if I may say so! I'd actually forgotten the exact date I took the plunge into the blogosphere until today when my WordPress account prompted to renew my expiring domain name (something I have to do annually). Three years ago today, I bought my own domain name and... Continue Reading →

If Snooki Can Write and Publish a Novel, Then We All Can. No, Seriously.

Now that she is a published author, Snooki would prefer you call her by her real name, Nicole Polizzi.  Wait a minute.  Snooki is a published author? Excuse me, I meant to say Nicole Polizzi is a published author? Published?! That's it! If Snooki can write and publish a novel, then there is absolutely no... Continue Reading →

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