The Spirit of Mr. Rogers

The other day, during indoor recess, I felt cold in my classroom, so I decided to put on a zip-up sweater. I happened to be standing over a table of students who were playing a card game of which I had never heard. Intrigued, but also cold, I put on my sweater while monitoring the... Continue Reading →

A Year End Reflection

The end of a year inevitably brings reflections, varying top 10 lists of the year’s best and worst in every category imaginable, pop culture trivia games, and the ritual taking stock in your life followed by setting goals for the new year that beg to be broken by February. Instead of coming up with some deep... Continue Reading →

We Are What We’ve Been Waiting For

As I went to bed late Tuesday evening, realizing that Donald Trump would actually become the next president of the United States and no, this wasn’t some horrendous nightmare from which I would magically wake in the morning, I thought to myself, how on Earth am I going to get up and explain this to the... Continue Reading →

Please Stop Saying that Kids Don’t Read Anymore By Andrea Koleck

A great post written by my friend and colleague about how our own generational bias impacts how we view children’s literacy.

learning curves nyc

The generation gap is an American institution. Every generation experiences it and technology exacerbates it. We don’t talk about the impact the generation gap has on our perception of children nearly enough. Specifically, we need to start talking about how our generational bias is impacting our perception of literacy.

We think of the classics as the books that have been loved for generations. And we think of it as a tragedy if these books aren’t being cherished by new generations. But we create readers or nonreaders by what we provide. They might not care about the Babysitters Club, and aspiring author and tomboy Jo March might not speak to your favorite 12 year old. Some kids need Harry Potter in their lives, but some will reject the entire wizarding world. All of this is fine. The very idea of a “good” book is subjective.  And honestly, as a collective group…

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Be Brilliant At It

“The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside us while we live.” -Norman Cousins  Several years ago, a friend loaned me his copy of Words I Wish I Wrote, compiled by Robert Fulgham. As a young professional, not too far removed from my idealistic liberal arts college days, my mind was... Continue Reading →

The Dark Before the Dawn

“Remember,” they say, “that the darkest hour of all is the hour before day.”- Samuel Lover It’s been far too long since I wrote my last blog post. I could give you a laundry list of excuses as to why this is the case, but I don’t believe in excuses. It looks like I’ve allowed... Continue Reading →

Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Today marks my three-year blogiversary. Quite a milestone, if I may say so! I'd actually forgotten the exact date I took the plunge into the blogosphere until today when my WordPress account prompted to renew my expiring domain name (something I have to do annually). Three years ago today, I bought my own domain name and... Continue Reading →

Remember the People That Taught You How to Read

Our teachers. Remember when we actually appreciated the work of our teachers? I don't even know how to begin to respond to this whole collective bargaining issue here in Wisconsin and around the country, the massive teacher lay-offs that happen every year, the constant budget cuts for already cash-strapped school districts, and the "well teachers... Continue Reading →

Your Services Are No Longer Required

Due to the uncertainty of our economy, more and more of us are getting acquainted with unexpected unemployment.   Unemployment doesn't just happen to strangers, it happens to the best of us.   Just this weekend, the Milwaukee Public School system laid off  nearly 500 of its classroom teachers.  (Incidentally, the Milwaukee Public School system posted some of the nation's lowest reading... Continue Reading →

Please Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Today, March 20th, is the late Mr. Rogers' birthday.  If you've never had Mr. Rogers introduce you to his friends as his "television neighbor," then you've seriously missed out.  Apparently a whole generation of kids will be missing out as PBS has severely cut airing time for Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.  In Tuesday's New York Times, it was mentioned... Continue Reading →

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