#shatterthetaboo: Time to Talk About Mental Health & Opioid Addiction

The following is a guest post written by my dear friend & colleague Morgan. We've shared a lot this year: a classroom, ideas for several creative projects, and the grief of losing a family member. Morgan lost her brother in February from a Fentanyl overdose. In an effort to #shatterthetaboo around mental health and opioid addiction, here are... Continue Reading →

Why The Internet Is Still Awesome

"They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.” - Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens, 2006. "The Internet has its charms and its dangers.” - Peter the Librarian, to incoming freshman... Continue Reading →

Happy Blogiversary To Me!

Today marks my three-year blogiversary. Quite a milestone, if I may say so! I'd actually forgotten the exact date I took the plunge into the blogosphere until today when my WordPress account prompted to renew my expiring domain name (something I have to do annually). Three years ago today, I bought my own domain name and... Continue Reading →

I Love It When You Retweet Me

“Will our tales of digital courtship capture the imaginations of our daughters? Will they be impressed when we tell them about that time the text message was misinterpreted, or how the cute boy re-tweeted our Vampire Weekend reference? Will they care?”--Charlotte Alter, "Guns, Ammo, Romance?" Published November 17th in the New York Times. When I was... Continue Reading →

Support Refugees Worldwide, Get a Blue Key

The camp population is still growing, topping 17,000- a small city. Day starts early, with a long trip along the brackish marshland, through whitewashed villages, to the border,  and then all day in the sun and wind,  thousands of  anxious, tired, hungry, people desperate to go home or, in some cases,  anywhere else.  Hearing the stories... Continue Reading →

If You Want to Know What’s Going On in Madison, Wisconsin, Don’t Ask the Local News

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where I currently reside, has four major news stations and one major newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. These local news sources, like every local news source across Wisconsin and now America, have been reporting on all of the latest developments of the budget protests in Madison, Wisconsin and providing up-to-the-minute information whenever possible.... Continue Reading →

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