The Perfect Table, or How to Dine Out

I follow a few simple rules when dining out. First, only dine in places serving cuisine and dishes that I couldn’t make myself. Second, as my good friend puts it, if your meal is under three hours or courses, you’re doing it wrong. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, be the perfect table. When I worked... Continue Reading →

Get to The Next Tree

Life is crazy. We all know this. I know I’m not the only person in the world who’s spread too thin, working two jobs to make ends meet, not striking the perfect work-life balance, lamenting that time passes too quickly. I haven’t even written a blog post since April! (Though, in my defense, I’m convinced... Continue Reading →

I Love It When You Retweet Me

“Will our tales of digital courtship capture the imaginations of our daughters? Will they be impressed when we tell them about that time the text message was misinterpreted, or how the cute boy re-tweeted our Vampire Weekend reference? Will they care?”--Charlotte Alter, "Guns, Ammo, Romance?" Published November 17th in the New York Times. When I was... Continue Reading →

Saturday Night Live is Hiring. Pick Me.

Saturday Night Live is hiring. Upon further investigation, I have found that I am qualified for none of their open positions, but I went ahead and wrote a cover letter in case something opens up. After all, who wouldn't want to work for Saturday Night Live. (Best job ever?) Here's what I came up with:... Continue Reading →

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