4 Things I’m Focusing on in 2018

I've never been one for New Year's resolutions. In fact, a couple of years ago when I noticed that many of my sentences about my life began with "if only..." and "when X happens, I'll be happier," I made a life-changing decision to stop wishing my life away and live in the present. Instead of... Continue Reading →

2017 In Review: My Year In Books

In a year marked by tragedy—both personal and political—I turned to books, as usual, for solace, answers, escape, and laughter. I had set out to read 20 books in 2017 (I'd forgotten about this goal until I recently logged into my Goodreads account) and ended up reading only eight books. Better luck next year! Despite... Continue Reading →

A Year End Reflection

The end of a year inevitably brings reflections, varying top 10 lists of the year’s best and worst in every category imaginable, pop culture trivia games, and the ritual taking stock in your life followed by setting goals for the new year that beg to be broken by February. Instead of coming up with some deep... Continue Reading →

Hello Endorphins, My Old Friends

In keeping with my positive outlook for 2014, I’ve made a concerted effort to work out more. (Read: at all). Last week, I did two kickboxing classes and an aquacycling class. This week, I have big dreams of doing yoga and finding some crazy, cool new cardio class to try out. Though I’ve come up with... Continue Reading →

A New Year Brings New Things

I've never been one for making New Year's Resolutions. I've always operated under the notion that if you want to make a change, then make it already. You don't need to wait for a new year to begin in order to make positive life changes (or any life changes for that matter). In fact, I... Continue Reading →

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